We awoke to a beautiful day in London kicking the morning off with a bus tour of the city. We traveled through Picadilly Circus, Westminister Abbey, and Liecester Square. We ended up at St. Paul's Cathedral where we took a tour through Christopher Wren's (the Architecht) breathtaking masterpiece. We were also lucky enough to score front row seats for the changing of the guard at Buckingham Palace...unfortunately the Queen was not in residence. We then split off for lunch in seperate groups as everyone was eager to see what London had to offer. Several girls opted to visit the famous Tate Modern Museum. This museum showcased some of the finest modern art from artists such as Salvador Dali, Mark Rothcoe, and Picasso. A number of the other girls decided to go to the Tower of London. Here we were able to take a look at England's ugly past and their current prized possessions. As we passed through the Traitors' Gate, we were surprised to see some eagle-sized ravens that looked very capable of eating small children. Our first stop was the resting place of England's crown jewels...England's got a lotttt of BLINGG. We then went over to the Bloody Tower and the torture chambers to witness some unbelievable replicas of torture devices that were used on prisoners in England's past. Finally, from the Tower of London, we had some remarkable views of the Tower Bridge. Our evening exhibitions were followed by dinner at a nearby restaurant. Dinner was followed by a high speed race to the theatre. We arrived to the theatre in Liecester Square right as the play started. Most of the team attended Spamalot where we looked to "always look on the bright side of life".
Till tomorrow....cheerio
P.S. Mom and Dad, I scored a goal!!!! (Love Bridget)