We arrived at Heathrow International Airport safely at 8am on Tuesday morning and proceeded onto Edinburgh, Scotland (pronounced Edinboro), arriving at 1:00pm. Fortunately, all student-athletes, coaches, parents and luggage were accounted for.
We met up with our tour guide, Aidan, at the airport. He's a science teacher from Scotland - team consensus is...he is NOT hard on the eyes. We look forward to spending the next 7 days with him. He is very knowledgeable about the area, history, etc. Considering the fact that we're all working on 36+ hours of no sleep, the team was quite attentive to this young lad.
After checking into our hotel, we headed to The Royal Mile and Princes Street for a quick bite to eat and some shopping. We got our first glimpse of Edinburgh Castle from the second floor of a local Starbuck's. :-) Tomorrow, we will have the opportunity to tour the castle, take a ghost tour of Old Town and perhaps take in some additional shopping and museums.
Our first European competition versus the Edinburgh Ladies is Wednesday evening at 7pm. The Ladies vs. the Belles --- which team sounds more intimidating? Coach Mac says "Da Belles."
Signing off for now as we all need a good night of sleep. We're all living the surreal life --- we cannot believe that we are ACTUALLY here in Europe. It's awesome!!!
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